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Created: 2014年3月13日

Updated: 2014年3月13日

ID: 48640

og体育首页ONE - 无限制下载 $13.25/月

免费访问350k项目 | 35% 关闭专属物品 加入,以 35% 关闭获取此项目

Templateog体育首页 Recommends

该网站模板是响应式佛教 Joomla 主题,具有精致的结构和多用途设计。这个清新的现代主题非常简单且易于定制,以满足佛教中心或佛教寺院的要求。该网站模板可确保您的网站在任何支持网页浏览的小工具上看起来同样完美,无论是台式电脑、平板电脑、智能手机甚至智能电视。如果您希望吸引访客参与,我们建议您考虑这种布局。 SEO 友好且跨浏览器兼容,该主题是为您的公司建立令人印象深刻的网络形象的理想解决方案。友好的客户技术支持人员全天候免费提供服务。实施此模板来改进您的网站,并使其适用于您的在线项目。


Templateog体育首页 是一个市场,您作为设计师或开发人员可以在这里出售您的网页设计软件、网站模板、设计元素、插件和扩展。成为数字产品供应商,每笔销售可赚取高达 70% 的佣金。

这个 Joomla 模板是响应式的


响应式设计可以在任何现有的屏幕尺寸上以同样精确的方式呈现基于 Web 的页面。


移动电话占全球互联网使用量的 80%。如果您不想减少当前的受众,那么使您的网页具有响应能力至关重要。

单击此处查看更多响应式 Joomla 主题

这个 Joomla 设计是搜索引擎友好的




通过使用 SEO 友好的数字产品,您获得了开发引人注目的互联网项目的基础,该项目可以通过普通的关键词短语研究轻松找到。同时,您可以使您的主页在谷歌搜索中排名更高,从而使人们更有可能查看它。

最新搜索引擎友好的 Joomla 设计模板在这里

这是一个Bootstrap Joomla 模板


Bootstrap 是一个用于站点和程序设计的开源框架。


Bootstrap 可以针对任何定制进行极大的调整。它易于管理,具有出色的网格系统和大量的组件列表。

最新的Bootstrap Joomla 设计模板在这里

3 Reviews for this product

The template works very well even on the latest Joomla version 3.7.5, even though it was apparently made for a 3.2.2 version. Only grudge is even though they gave me a 30% discount the price was reduced further by a few more dollars the next day I bought the template. The template itself is very thoughtfully designed and is ideal for a Hindu/Buddhist/Non-profit organisation. On the whole I am very satisfied.
I am a freelance web designer and I was looking for a template that conveyed a particular type of theme and feeling for a Reiki Healing business. I found this template perfect for the job and I was easily able to adapt the template to suit my clients needs. The support team where also great in helping me out when I needed it. My client was also very happy with the design and layout of this template as it was what she had in mind to help promote her business. Even though I work as a web designer, anybody could use this template as it is easy to understand and if you get stuck the support team are amazing!
This template is very complete. This is a combination between a elegant website and blog.

0 Comments for this product


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Support rating (237 ratings) This rating is based on feedback from customers who have received support from the author of this product. 5 177 4 11 3 5 2 3 1 41
Response Time: Normal This value represents the average response time to a client's inquiry or request.
